A loving community of Christ-followers glorifying God together by making disciples of all nations

Sermons on Faith (Page 4)

“Praying on Purpose”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m in favor of occasional praying—we should pray on every occasion that we’re moved in our hearts to pray, no matter where, when, why, or for what or whom! But to be people like Daniel, we need something more; God wants something more from us, and for us. To be occasional pray-ors is to see God as someone to whom we occasionally go. But by making prayer the occasion we’re saying God is most important, and that spending time with God is the central organizing principle of our lives.

“Honoring God with Much”

November 8, 2015 Series: “Money” 6 of 8 “Honoring God with Much” Philippians 4:10-20 Introduction When it comes to money in our relationship with God, some might think: Well, if I just had a little more money I could honor God more. But my reply to that is, How much more would you need? How much more money would it take to…

“Render Unto Caesar”

October 18, 2015 Series: “Money” 3 of 8 “Render Unto Caesar” Luke 20:19-26 Introduction Death and taxes: two unavoidable realities of human existence (or so the old saying would have us believe). In this exchange between the scribes, priests, and Jesus we find a manifestation of the principle of last week’s text (Prov. 22:7): “The rich rules over the poor, and the…