A loving community of Christ-followers glorifying God together by making disciples of all nations

The “D.N.A.” of the Church

Borrowing the three terms used by missional thinker and writer Neil Cole to describe the essential elements of the church– “D”ivine Truth, “N”urturing Relationships, and “A”postolic Ministry–we’ve embarked on a 12-week sermon series examining our church in the light of these key elements.

We’ll start with a message examining each element of DNA biblically. Then we’ll spend nine weeks looking at how DN & A individually impact and give shape to each of the three phases of our church’s vision statement (e.g., how do Divine Truth, Nurturing Relationships and Apostolic Ministry each help us be: (1) A loving community of Christ-followers…  (2) glorifying God together…  (3) by making disciples of all nations?)

As a church seeking to obey Christ’s Great Commandments (i.e., to love God supremely and others servingly) and His Great Commission (i.e., to make disciples of all nations) we have to occasionally be refreshed as to how God has designed the church not only to function but to flourish in this world for His glory.

I hope you’ll join us for this series!


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