Ever just feel weak? inadequate? While every voice in our culture would say: “How dare you feel that about yourself; get up, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and get in the game! Just give 110% and it’ll pay off eventually,” for some reason that’s not what you feel in the depths of your soul. The boot-strap logic of self-sufficiency may have some merit in academics or in the work-place, but it gets us nowhere in the spiritual domain–nowhere good that is! The pride of self-sufficiency is the oldest of sins and is yet the only sin that sends people to hell.
God had to get pretty tough with even the apostle Paul to show him his spiritual insufficiency by giving him a “thorn in the flesh” in II Corinthians 12. As a child of God, a follower of Christ, you too may at times have to experience physical, emotional, or other types of pain in order to be made fully aware of the fact that you are ultimately and entirely spiritually insufficient and that for salvation you must fall completely upon the saving, all-sufficient grace of God in Jesus Christ.
To learn a little more about Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” check out the full-length version under the “Sermons” link above, or simply click here.